by Dr. Alexis Carreiro | Sep 24, 2018
It’s extremely hard to communicate well. It looks easy; but it isn’t. It seems simple; but it’s not. The same thing can be said about sports. Great athletes and great communicators use coaches to succeed. Have you ever watched an elite athlete and thought “That looks...
by Dr. Alexis Carreiro | Sep 14, 2018
A Communication Coach is someone who can help you improve your communication competencies. These refer to your interpersonal, written, verbal, and non-verbal communication skills. Why should you spend professional development money on a Communication coach? Because...
by Dr. Alexis Carreiro | Sep 11, 2018
This one is for the ladies. (But I’m sure some of the fellas can relate, too. Hi guys. I see you.) Ladies – have you ever been in a situation where you wished you were smaller? Physically smaller? Intellectually smaller? Emotionally smaller? I assume that most...